A favorite song by Chicago released in the early 1970s features the following lyrics: “Does anybody really know what time it is (Care) Does anybody really care (About time) If so I can't imagine why…” Each fall when we change the clocks back an hour and each spring when we “spring forward” an hour, these lyrics play in my head:”Does anybody really know what time it is?” When most people think about ‘time,’ they likely think of clock time, linear time, right? We attempt to manage it, save it, use it, not waste it, make it, not lose it. We schedule it; we plan it. We run out of it. What is ‘time’ beyond the dictionary definition: “…the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future”? (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/time).
This dictionary definition of ‘time’ assumes time is arranged along a straight line from the past through the present and to the future. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity states time is relative and “it depends on the frame of reference of an observer. This can result in time dilation where the time between events becomes longer (dilated) the closer one travels to the speed of light…the Michelson-Morley experiment confirmed length contraction and time dilation” (https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-time-4156799). Assuming there are ‘parallel universes,’ can time also be parallel? In other words, can the present also run parallel to the past?
Dr. Anne Marie Helmenstine states, “Many physicists believe time travel to the past is impossible, but there are solutions to a temporal paradox, such as traveling between parallel universes or branch points” (https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-time-4156799). In another article, Andrew Zimmerman Jones defines ‘parallel universes’ : “Physicists use the phrase ‘parallel universes’ to discuss diverse concepts, and it can sometimes get a little confusing. For example, some physicists believe strongly in the idea of a multiverse for cosmological purposes, but don’t actually believe in the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum physics” (https://www.thoughtco.com/types-of-parallel-universes-2698854). In Marvel entertainment mythology, the multiverse is real and can be manipulated.
What if it were possible to think back on a time in your life when you messed up, hurt yourself and others by a poor decision or action and could correct it, choose differently? Some quantum physics studies suggest, “…you may revisit circumstances and situation with an eye for discernment and an eye for dissolution. Timelines are collapsing. As you resolve the emotions of regret and so on, right before you finally let go, you have a moment of awareness, your mind would translate it into a big ‘what if’ and you might even have a glimpse of where it would have taken you had you followed that path. At that moment [,] there’s a shudder, or a pull back with great will that unhooks you and releases your attachment and your energetic support of that version” (St. Germain Waking up in 5D 143).
While I don’t know if it is actually possible to recoup missteps, to revise the past within parallel universes and non-linear time, I do think it’s possible to change one’s perceptions on one’s past. When you look back at life-altering choices you have made that negatively affected your life, do you shame yourself? Do you berate yourself saying things like “I’m an idiot," “My life is ruined," I’m worthless," “Why would I do anything that stupid”? If so, you can choose to think of time in a non-linear fashion; you can look at the past, present, future as occurring at the same time on parallel tracks.
Then, you can revisit those life blunders and the decision process that you used. You can imagine possible alternative decisions and how those substitute decisions may have affected your life. Then, you can let go of the memories of those mistakes and make a choice now to alter the way you think when considering a course of action. By going through non-linear time, you have the opportunity to heal karma so you don’t keep repeating the slip-ups. In essence, you will have recouped the past and will have changed your future.