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Challenge Yourself


What challenge is more effective: one your boss or other entity issues or forces on you or one you define for yourself?  Even if you aren’t naturally disciplined or competitive, challenging yourself may be more effective than someone else giving you a challenge because you are personally invested in addressing that challenge.  “What does challenging yourself mean? What does a challenge mean? It means you've stepped outside your comfort zone and taken on a new task. You've set new goals for yourself, and you're ready to work hard to achieve them. A challenge is something that teaches you how to grow as a person. They encourage personal development and are a way to work on self-improvement.

The challenges you take on test your resiliency, grit, and determination because — well, they're challenging. They aren't supposed to be easy and accomplished without any effort. Challenging things to do might look different for you than it does for your coworkers, siblings, or friends, but that's OK.

Your challenges could seem like little things, like trying to wake up earlier or shake bad habits like smoking, but they're still challenges. Everyone’s experience is different. 

In fact, that's the beauty of a challenge. It opens you up to new experiences and puts in the effort to improve yourself every day. It lets you really focus on yourself. Whether you're challenging yourself to declutter and stay organized or run a marathon, the challenges you set for yourself to overcome are entirely your own” ( ).

Why challenge yourself?  What’s in it for you?  Taking on something new can be energizing.  New opportunities may come your way. You may learn new skills or something you didn’t know about yourself.  Your self-assurance may increase as you try new things, try on new perspectives.  Personal growth will be the outcome. According to Maggie Woolf, MBA, “Challenges make you think harder and demand focus, too. Research has found that mentally challenging yourself stimulates brain function and helps to curb anxiety and depression. Doing something different that requires focus and effort invites you to learn something new, gain a different perspective, and shake up your routine. Imagine your life if you didn't challenge yourself at all. You would wake up every day and ignore any new opportunities that would come your way. You wouldn't seize any chance to improve your skills, find a job that makes you happier, or try new hobbies” ( ).

How do you challenge yourself?  You could think of setting up challenges that are personal, some that are about your health and physical well being, some about your mental and emotional well being, some that are business related.

For example, here are a few challenges that I give to myself:

  • visit new places, meet new people, have new experiences

  • go out to dinner or vacation solo

  • shift my mindset

  • learn something new every day

  • read and write every day

  • test everything against my own sense of truth

  • do nothing but breathe, drink water, rest for a day every now and then — and not just when I’m sick

  • remain present

  • listen more than talk

  • do not remain silent on important topics

  • build up my weightlifting practice

  • live an uncomplicated life

  • remove toxic people and situations from my life

  • embrace ‘what is’ rather than what I wish it is

  • explore, read, study difficult books and topics to challenge my critical thinking

  • let go of limiting thoughts, emotions, indoctrination, and philosophies when they no longer ring true to me

  • be willing to start over

  • do not conform to the manners/mores/traditions that do not align with my thinking/my truth

What do you, will you challenge yourself to do, to think, to stop doing/thinking? Please share your thoughts, insights, and suggestions by either commenting below this post if you are reading this on social media, or, if you are reading this through your email subscription, please share, by emailing me, at

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