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Facing Mortality Like Water Flowing Into Immortality

The year 2024 in numerology equals the number 8.  What’s the significance of that?  “The number eight is considered particularly auspicious, as it is associated with prosperity and financial success” (  Like all aspects of life, however, there is an equal and seemingly opposite meaning of the number 8: “However, it’s important to note that the number eight can also bring challenges and obstacles. This is because the energy of the number eight is strong and intense, and it can sometimes be challenging to handle” ( In addition, 8 represents death and transformation: perhaps mortality and immortality.

For me, 2024 has treated me to some profoundly sucky events in this first half of the year that are encouraging me to think about mortality and immortality.  On January 27, 2024, I had a heart attack.  What?  Me?  I exercise every day, manage my stress, meditate, eat healthily most of the time, don’t drink alcohol or coffee and still my DNA betrayed me.  4 months and 2 heart stents later, I am back in the gym getting stronger every day.  Then, I had a funky mammogram, tricky subsequent ultrasound, and needle biopsy this week.  Now, I may have the Big ‘C’ in me thanks to my DNA.  The leading causes of death for women in the USA are heart disease and cancer.  So, I’m getting the opportunity to face mortality earlier than I anticipated.

No, I am not scared of anything except being in pain.  I’m not afraid to live, so, why would I be afraid to die? My philosophy is a result, a beautiful gift, that age, experience, having wise & deep friends, and being a student of life  have given me.  My business is  in order: will made, medical directives recorded, donated my body to LSU Med School when I die, beneficiaries are on accounts and know where all of the key documents are; I’ve embraced minimalism, so, I don’t have a lot of stuff for my daughter to deal with when I’m gone.  I feel confident in my Spirituality and know there are more opportunities after my death and reincarnation.  And, I am clearing the trauma, wounds, and karma from this life with Angelic healing and shadow work.  I am at peace with what is and what will be.  Like going with the flow of water, I do not resist what is. I know my Spirit will flow from mortality to immortality.  I surrender to what is rather than resist it.  [Yes, it took me decades to get to this place.]

What surprises me is how many people resist thinking about their death, preparing for their death.  According to renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Carl Jung, “What you resist persists.”  Putting off making plans for your death, avoiding making a will or letting your loved ones know what your final wishes are, not setting up beneficiaries is - and I’m going to be straightforward here - thoughtless.  Thoughtless to the people you will leave behind who are grieving your loss and will also have a mess of possessions, unsettled probate, expenses for them to manage.  Once you’ve arranged Power of Attorney that is needed if you aren’t able to care for yourself, your will, your beneficiaries, minimized your possessions, communicated your wishes for after your death to your loved ones, then, you can go on with life and not have to think about it. Those plans will slide into place when needed. You can sleep well knowing you haven’t been thoughtless to the people you love.

Perhaps I’ll live a very long life or I’ll die tomorrow.  It is what it is.  I surrender to where life takes me and I’ll surrender to where death takes me.  Mortality is a temporary gift filled with lessons, opportunities, betrayals, sweetness, heartache, love, disappointment, joy. When it is over, immortality awaits as another gift.  Just as a river flows always, so does life, death, and life.

Have you thought of your mortality and immortality? What feelings come up when you consider life, death, and life again?  What frightens you about life, death, and life again?  What plans have you made or will make for an easier transition for your loved ones you will leave behind? Please share your thoughts and insights by either commenting below this post if you are reading this on social media, or, if you are reading this through your email subscription, please share, by emailing me, at

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