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Re-Imagine Writing

Updated: May 8, 2022

Are you interested in writing, in cultivating an interest for writing? Perhaps you write in a journal or you have a notebook filled with ideas for a novel or a series of short stories. Or, maybe, you want to write effective professional letters, emails, and persuasive reports.

People often ask me about my writing approach, about the ingredients for writing better. I’ve created an online month-long, self-paced Re-Imagine Writing course. In the course, I’ll share my writing experience curated over years of trial and error, of academic study; of having taught people, as a college professor, to write; of having published fiction and non-fiction works, of having edited the writing of others, and of having coached others in writing effectively.

I offer the Re-Imagine Writing course three times a year and provide a certificate of completion for your personal and work goals. You will:

* find your voice and personal style in writing,

* identify and highlight your ‘sweet spots’,

* learn how to reduce wordiness and to reduce ‘pitfalls to avoid’ in writing,

* share your writing with other participants and coaches,

* take part in discussions with other participants and coaches,

* explore how to publish your work, and

* write short pieces and get coaching for refining your writing.

To give each participant individual attention, I only take 75 participants per course. Are you ready to develop confidence and skill in your writing?

To reach me about Life Coaching or about my online Re-Imagine Writing course, please email me at

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