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Soul Agreements


What If We Made Soul Agreements Before Birth?

Imagine for a moment that your current life is not the only one your soul will live in; imagine your soul has embodied past lives and may experience other incarnations in the future. Some people do not believe this is the way life and your soul’s / spirit’s existence works. They may believe there is one life and the soul does not reincarnate into form again. Others believe that the soul is on a journey to be perfected by God / the Goddess / the Source / Higher Power and will experience life many times. Whatever you believe, consider your soul / spirit is on a mission, a purpose, and it was discussed and agreed upon before you were born.

In her book, Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss shares, “Have you ever wondered what your mission in life is supposed to be?

You probably know people who seem to have had their entire life mapped out from the day they were born. You may have envied their sure sense of what they were born to do — their work, career, marriage, and personal goals. And yet you have probably also wondered whether that was really all there was to it. So have I. The answer I found is that there’s much more involved. I believe that each of us is guided by a Sacred Contract that our soul made before we were born. That Contract contains a wide range of agreements regarding all that we are intended to learn in this life. It comprises not merely what kind of work we do but also our key relationships with the people who are to help us learn the lessons we have agreed to work on. Each of those relationships represents an individual Contract that is part of your overall Sacred Contract, and may require you to be in a certain place at a certain time to be with that person. This doesn’t mean, of course, that free will plays no role in your Sacred Contract. At any given moment — or ‘choice point’ — your Contract may provide you with an opportunity for growth. It can come in the form of a challenge at work, the dissolution of an old relationship or the formation of a new one. Your Contract is made up of all these components of your life, yet it can’t be reduced to any one of them by itself. One way of viewing your Contract is as your overall relationship to your personal power and spiritual power. It determines how you work with your energy and to whom you give it. Finding and fulfilling your Sacred Contract also depends on how much you are willing to surrender to divine guidance. Our sacred contract is not a literal document. That's the first thing to understand. We could think of our sacred contract as a spiritual document that our soul recognizes” (

Myss’s viewpoint is not new. In fact, Plato, in his work, The Republic, tells a narrative of a man named Er who died in battle. According to the story, twelve days later, [notice how important the number 12 is. *] Er awakened at his own funeral and tells how he was caught between life and death; Er learned souls pass from earth to other planes of existence. Souls that were released from their human form through death were waiting to be measured for their honors and their punishments for how they lived their lives on Earth. Er observed some other older souls were preparing for their return to Earth, and some souls were new and were waiting to be implanted into human form for the first time. He learned that the waiting souls were being presented with a myriad of possible life situations and were being advised to pick from these optional, “…samples of lives. Plato informs us that ‘there were many more lives than the souls present, and they were of all sorts. There were lives of every animal and of man in every condition,’ including tyrants. Before entering life on the Earth plane, however, the souls were led to the plain of Forgetfulness, a barren wasteland with no vegetation, where they were required to drink from the river of Unmindfulness. They then promptly forgot everything that had just happened to them. The reason should be obvious: if you know in advance exactly what’s going to happen in your life, you would have great difficulty making decisions or taking actions that are intended to teach you something, often through painful experiences. You might naturally be reluctant to begin a relationship with someone who you knew would hurt you, even though you needed to learn a valuable lesson from that person” (qtd. in

Many people feel Plato’s narrative is divinely inspired and channeled. Even if you don’t believe it is, it is clear to see it as an outlook on how life and death and reincarnation works. If we view our current life’s direction and situations as something we, ourselves, agreed to when we were waiting souls, then, we know our lives are not random. Every person in our lives in bodily form, every situation we experience in bodily form, every role we play in our bodily form was entered into through a sacred contract. This contractual agreement does not take away free will; it does, however, allow our soul to be refined, perfected by fulfilling the contractual agreements we made that will teach us the lessons we need to be ready for our soul to commune with God / the Goddess / Higher Power / the Source.

Surrendering to this knowledge helps us to let go of painful situations, and, in time, helps us “learn to accept each event as it happens without struggling against it and prolonging your psychic — and physical — suffering. To have a serious illness or injury is difficult enough; seeing it as a punishment or the cruel caprice of fate only makes it harder to bear. The resulting stress will probably also make it worse, and you will take longer to heal or recover. Naturally, you can’t be expected to see everything immediately, or in advance. But if you have a way of looking at the symbolic meaning of your experiences, you will be better prepared to accept the inevitable changes to your life. Fighting change builds up emotional scar tissue. Surrendering to divine will allows you to accept the changes, and get on with your life” (

When I share this information, way of thinking, I am assuring you that I am being completely respectful of the tragedies and losses we experience on the physical plane. You may be asking yourself, “Why would any soul agree to be implanted in physical form to be murdered?” That’s a good question that none of us can answer because the agreement was made by the soul with the blessing of God / the Goddess / Higher Power / the Source. Their thoughts and ways are not comprehensible to us on the human plane. Perhaps, a soul who makes such an sacred contract had been a wicked killer in a previous incarnation, and, in order to become perfected as God / the Goddess / Higher Power / the Source is perfect, the soul must experience being murdered. Perhaps a soul left their physical form with ‘unfinished business’ that is part of their journey; this soul can enter into a sacred contract to complete their mission in the next incarnation. This sacred soul agreement is truth to me because I cannot fathom God / the Goddess / Higher Power / the Source capriciously allowing murder and other disasters; all souls, all situations, all roles must have purpose / meaning.

If you want to read more on sacred contracts, I recommend Myss’s books, Sacred Contracts and Anatomy of the Spirit. Myss goes deep into defining the personal archetypes as roles we will play out in our soul agreements. Her book, Archetypes, Who Are You?, is a short, interesting follow up to the first of her books mentioned.

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* By the way, the number 12 is a powerful number; there are 12 zodiac signs, 12 months, 12 disciples of the Christ, 12 hours on the clock face, 12 members of a jury, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 major gods in Greek mythology, 12 eggs to a carton, 12 ribs in most humans, 12 inches in a foot in USA measurements; in numerology, 12 is reduced to 1 + 2 = 3…and 3 is a powerful number too. Interesting stuff!




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