Important notes: 1. To put you in the mood, open this link and sing along to this classic from the 5th Dimension from 1969: While the words to this iconic song are not precisely astrologically correct; still, the mood reflects the coming age. 2. This may be new information to you; many of us have anticipated this moment for many years. The significance is a shift in metaphysical, scientific, and spiritual aspects that will indicate a call to action to raise universal energetic vibrations and usher in social concern and change. Albert Einstein said, “Everything in life is vibration” (( As you know, atoms are in a constant state of motion; depending on the atoms’ speed, things may appear as a liquid, a gas, or a solid. Sound is also a vibration. I am not an expert on this topic, so, I have researched information that will be helpful to you and to me. 3. Personally, I do not believe that science is separate from God/ the Goddess / Higher Power / the Creator / Spirit. I believe Spirit creates everything including the scientific and the technological intelligence/tools. This information is not hocus-pocus/woo-woo stuff; God/ the Goddess / Higher Power / the Creator /Spirit designed the movement of the planets and asteroids and science backs this up.
What exactly is the ‘Age of Aquarius’? This is a short answer; still, it defines the term. Celeste Longacre writes, “There is a vast nearly 26,000-year cycle which [is] caused by the real motion of Earth known as a ‘precession of the equinoxes.’ Think of the Earth as a spinning top that wobbles a little as it orbits around the Sun. Sometimes the top of Earth’s axis, the geographic North Pole, points to the star Polaris and, over time, it may point to a different star, such as Vega. Each full ‘wobble (or about 25,772 years) is one full cycle of precession. This 26,000-year cycle of precession is further broken down into the 12 zodiacal signs or 12 ‘astrological ages.’ This means that every couple of thousands of years, there is a new sign. When we’ve passed through all 12 astrological ages, we’ve passed through a full cycle. Astrologers refer to this as the Great Age through which we are passing. Specifically, the astrological age is identified by the Zodiac sign that the March equinox (first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere) is in. (The March equinox occurs when the Sun, moving northward on the ecliptic, intersects with the plane of the celestial equator. When the Zodiac was first named in ancient times, the backdrop of the March equinox point was Aries. Even though it is currently in Pisces, the March equinox point is still sometimes called the “first point of Aries.”) Every couple of thousands of years, there is a new sign on the equinox. If you look at the Sun’s location on the date of the March equinox over vast periods of time, the Sun is moving westward. (Note that this apparent motion is opposite to the yearly apparent motion of the Sun along the ecliptic.) All of this, in very many ways, describes the major issues with which we are dealing. An astrological age parallels major changes in Earth’s inhabitants as well, from society to politics to culture” (
Unless you have been living completely disconnected from life, you have noticed how polarized our world is: politics, gender, personal freedoms, pandemics, wars, generations. While this feels disruptive and negative, there is a positive side to this age in which we are living. These ego-driven divisions between individuals, groups, countries must break down before we will experience a profound time of peace, compassion, cooperation, consciousness, interdependence, enlightenment. Who is going to lead the transition from the former ‘Age of Pisces’ which has lasted for the last approximately 2,000 years to the ‘Age of Aquarius’? I believe it will be the Millennials and Generation Z to start. Much like in the 1960s, it was the young people who rebelled and protested for social change. We are in desperate need to social change and young people are starting to lead the way. Here’s an example from the news last week; young people took to the streets in Nashville, TN to protest for banning assault-type guns. Their fight is growing. So far, nine states have banned assault-type weapons and more will be coming. The young are being moved to social action - that’s a trait of the Age of Aquarius.
What are the signs the Age of Pisces is breaking down? The Age of Pisces, which started around year 200, had been characterized by faith, belief, sacrifice, religion. Division, removing basic human rights, trying to “get back to the good ole’ days,” and the profound rise of the ego is obvious today. Do you watch the news and wonder how things have gotten so bad, so contemptuous, so “backward,” so dangerous? The Age of Pisces is breaking down. Stefan Stenudd writes, “The Age of Pisces can be divided accordingly. The first period of the Christian era, until about 720 [AD] (but it’s not that exact), the religion gradually found, explored, and established itself. It was a time of excited religious speculation, where lots of people were willing to make great sacrifices for the sake of it. This period of the Age of Pisces was the most inspired and significant one, because Pisces is a mutable sign. During the second period of the Age of Pisces, circa 720-1440, the Christian religion was well established and very powerful. It controlled society, without being that much questioned or opposed. European society was solidly Christian, ruled by its teachings, and this seemed to have the power to go on forever. In the third period, circa 1440-2160, the existing religious cosmology and world order is increasingly questioned and needs to defend itself with more and more force. This is what we see around us. Scientific perspectives challenge the religious paradigm, and religion responds by challenging science. It’s also true for politics and every other aspect of civilization – religion opposes all alternative lines of thought. Since the coming era is the Age of Aquarius, where reason and science are the ideals, the religious powers will aim their battles at just that. The fundamentalist questioning of Darwin’s theories is just one of the examples of this. It started way before 1633, when the inquisition demanded of Galileo to deny his astronomical findings. Copernicus had suggested a heliocentric universe (with the sun, and not the Earth, in the center) a hundred years earlier. Even more important was the rediscovery of the Greek philosophers at the end of the Middle Ages, stimulating scientific thinking instead of blind belief. From the Renaissance and on, religion has been increasingly questioned, particularly from a scientific standpoint. The religious world order is struggling for its life. The closer we get to the grand finale, which is the start of the Age of Aquarius, the more desperately religion will fight that change” ( Piscean aspects are ‘mutable’; what that means is that the Age of Pisces featured changeable, fickle, moody, unpredictable, emotional tones that is about endings of seasons as they transition into the next season.
When the spiritual and the scientific are embraced as partners, it will be one trait of the Age of Aquarius.
What are the signs the Age of Aquarius is coming in? Even the Christian Bible alludes to the coming of the Age of Aquarius. In I Corinthians 10:11, the apostle Paul says, “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the Ages has come” ( When Paul refers to “These things…,” he was thinking of sexual immorality, of idolatry, of testing God, over overindulging in food and drink, of complaining and being short-tempered. Paul reminds us still that we can’t think or live as we had been. Humanity needs to make the changes so that humans continue. In addition, the Christian Bible states in Revelations 21:1-6, "Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,”[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” 5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. 6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life" ” ( This shift to a "new earth" has been predicted and now, the Age of Aquarius is drawing close..
Lynn Roulo shares thoughts on the transitions from Piscean to Aquarian Age and identifies these three characteristics of the Aquarian Age: “These transitions can be thought of as waves that slowly build in intensity, with the strongest point at the end of the period. Following this metaphor, the Piscean Age is crashing over us as the Age of Aquarius is just starting to build. The change is not incremental. It is a simultaneous change that can feel intense and destabilizing. That’s the bad news. But the good news is that we’ve got a lot to look forward to as the Age of Aquarius builds momentum. Here are three key characteristics you can expect from the Aquarian Age.
1. A Shift From ‘Me’ to ‘We’
The Piscean Age had a focus on getting our own needs met. It was characterized by a “me first” attitude, where short-term personal fulfillment was prioritized over long-term benefit to the collective. It was a time of materialism and consumerism, and in the Piscean Age, success was measured by material wealth, financial dominance, and lifestyle comfort. The Aquarian Age ushers in a shift in perspective. The focus moves from “me” to “we” as we begin to deeply understand that we are all connected and that nothing happens in isolation. Each action will be considered both individually and globally. There will be an awareness that each person’s behavior affects the vast networks of other living beings and things. This is an age of paradox: both more individual and more global simultaneously. Watch as individuals influence communities like never before.
2. More Transparency: The Unknown Will Be Known
The Aquarian Age is a period of transparency. Expect no secrets!
In the Piscean Age, access to information gave you power, and because information was not easily available, you had the possibility to hide your actions and cloak your behavior. It was easier to get away with things. In this new age, information is accessible by all, and every person is under audit. Actions can be tracked and traced. Behavior is recorded and shared. Expect no stone to go unturned. Because access to information is available to all, who you are as a human being will matter more and more. What is your character? What are your values? Do you have integrity? Living in alignment with your higher self will become more important than ever before. Access to information is not enough. Neither is knowledge. This age calls for true wisdom.
3. Expect Massive Change
The Aquarian Age is a time of great complexity as our sense of personal identity and our very foundation shifts. Expect developments in all arenas, including scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and societal shifts. On an individual level, change and learning will be lifelong and constant. Technology will pave the way for massive shifts in lifestyle. The world you entered will not be the same world you leave. From climate change to space travel and from post-pandemic culture to the metaverse, we are entering a whole new world. Change is the name of the game, and those who stay mentally, emotionally, and physically flexible are the ones who will flourish” (
How do we prepare for the Aquarian Age? Because this is the first Age of Aquarius, no one has the experience of having transitioned to it before. Still, there are tools that intuition, logic, reasoning suggest.
1. Get fit! It’s more difficult to go through changes when we aren’t fit: physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and spiritually.
Physically fit: Start or maintain work out plan that helps us remain or become strong. Do yoga or pilates; walk in nature or on a treadmill; lift weights and work on core strength.
Emotionally fit: If we are challenged by ADHD/ADD, anxiety, and other emotional aspects, start or continue to work with a therapist to strengthen our ability to cope with change. Listen to peaceful music or binaural beats or a specific solfeggio frequency. (See my blog from last week on Prayer and Meditation.)
Mentally fit: Learn something new every day, and I don’t mean a new video game. Read and take classes to develop ourselves and our skills. The way we make money and the skills needed will change. A great approach to being ready to learn during times of change is to be mentally strong. The nature of 'work' is likely going to change.
Financially fit: If we have debt, make it our top priority to get out of debt. I highly suggest the Dave Ramsey system. n( I note the urgency of paying off our debt to avoid being caught in the volatility of economies.
Spiritually fit: If we haven’t explored what we truly believe in spiritual terms or if we have never questioned what is truth for us, it’s time for us to define our spiritual opinion to strengthen our ability to connect with others and to honor their spiritual truth. And, decide what we believe about what happens when we die. (See my blog essay from last week on Prayer and Meditation.)
2. Get clear on our values, priority. We can only have one priority; what will ours be? Our values must be clear so we do not get lost going through the changes.
3. Know our skills. Accessing, learning, developing, honing, using our skills will make us ready to step up to contribute our part when people begin working together for the common good.
4. Pray and Meditate. See my last week’s blog essay on this topic for more information.
5. Turn off the TV and reduce scrolling. We need the stillness to welcome the clarity of messages from God / the Goddess / Higher Power / Spirit. The TV, computer, gaming system, phone are distractions to our readiness for change and hearing the wisdom from Spirit.
6. Stay open, aware, and focused on the present moment - the now. Needless worrying, blind acceptance to “the way it’s always been,” and thinking too much about the past or future are three ways to make the transition into the Age of Aquarius more difficult.
7. Spend time in nature and get grounded. “Grounding,” according to an article by Eleesha Lockett for Healthline, “also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that ‘ground’ or electrically reconnect you to the earth.
This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how [electro-magnetic] charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body. This type of grounding therapy isn’t entirely the same as the technique that is used in mental health treatment.
Grounding is currently an under-researched topic and there are very few scientific studies on the benefits. However, the most recent scientific research has explored grounding for inflammation, cardiovascular disease, muscle damage, chronic pain, and mood. The central theory from one review study is that grounding affects the living matrix, which is the central connector between living cells. Electrical conductivity exists within the matrix that functions as an immune system defense, similar to antioxidants. They believe that through grounding, the natural defenses of the body can be restored. Further research expands on this idea.
In a small study on grounding and heart health, 10 healthy participants were grounded using patches on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet. Blood measurements were taken before and after grounding to determine any changes in red blood cell fluidity, which plays a role in heart health. The results indicated significantly less red blood cell clumping after grounding, which suggests benefits for cardiovascular health.
Another slightly larger study examined the role of grounding on post-exercise muscle damage. Researchers used both grounding patches and mats and measured creatine kinase, white blood cell count, and pain levels before and after grounding. Blood work indicated that grounding reduced muscle damage and pain in participants. This suggests that grounding may influence healing abilities. This research is supported by a recent study on grounding for pain reduction and mood improvement. Sixteen massage therapists alternated between periods of grounding and no grounding.
Before grounding therapy, physical and emotional stress and pain were common side effects of their physically demanding jobs. After the earthing therapy, pain, stress, depression, and fatigue were all reduced among participants” ( To learn how to ‘ground,’ open the link just before this sentence. The article shares some grounding techniques. Amazon sells grounding/earthing shoes and getting out in nature while barefoot helps too.
8. Tell the truth, always; live with integrity, always. Transparency and integrity are essential ways of being, especially to be prepared for the coming changes.
We learned, during the COVID-19 pandemic, that we cannot predict where we will be in a year, five years, ten years. We have only today, only now. Changes will come, so, all we can do now is to prepare ourselves to be strong to meet those changes.
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