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The Divine Feminine ~ Part I

This week’s blog is super short; it asks you to participate by sharing your answers to four questions.  Additionally, this week starts a series of blog posts that explores the Sacred Feminine / the Divine Feminine, surveys the history of the feminine energy, the suppression of the Divine Feminine, and the rise of the feminine energy.

For now, I am inviting all of us to think about this quote:”When God is Man; man is God” (anonymous).When you hear this phrase,

  1. How do you interpret it?

  2. What feelings arise?

  3. Have you been / were you indoctrinated to believe this?

  4. How does it affect your daily life?

To help form a foundation for discussing the Divine / Sacred Feminine, please share your thoughts and insights by answering the four questions above; comment below this post if you are reading this on social media, or, if you are reading this through your email subscription, please share, by emailing me, at

Thank you for reading and participating in this blog essay; I invite you to subscribe to my blog at

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