As you know, I’m a minimalist. I cruise through my daily life looking for ways to reduce possessions, to eliminate negative thoughts and actions, to simplify, to lessen waste. This week, I invite us all to look at what’s no longer needed. Here’s a partial list of what I see that’s no longer needed. Please participate by sharing in the comments section on social media or by emailing me what you think / feel we no longer need.
telephone books / yellow pages books
more than one set of dishes
expensive silverware / crystal
physical photo albums
expensive watches that only tell time
upgrading to the newest phone or computer or tv
upgrading vehicles often just because
shoes / bags to match each other
empty malls — how about turning them into affordable housing?
high rents for apartments
carpet in houses
SCOTUS terms for life or until a justice retires
over-decorating for every holiday
over-buying gifts
clothes, shoes, accessories that don’t fit, you don’t like, are broken
souvenirs / huge collections of knickknacks
perfectly landscaped lawns - how about ‘yardens’ instead?
people of privilege (ie: white, wealthy men) not paying for their crimes and not paying their fare share of taxes
churches and other religious organizations not paying taxes
high prices of medicines
out of control tipping culture - how about paying workers a living wage rather than workers having to scrape by with tips?
no free wifi available to customers in businesses, shops, restaurants
businesses, including grocery stores, charging too much and blaming it on “the economy” or “making up for the pandemic”
self-checkout in stores that don’t give a discount for doing the work of an employee - how about giving people a discount when they do self-checkout?
rude, mean, cruel people
K-12 and college public, charter, and private school students not participating in the cleaning of the school building and picking up / maintaining the school grounds - Japanese students are expected to participate in making their school tidy and show more respect as a result (see )
book banning - If you don’t want to read a book, don’t read it, but, don’t stop me from reading any book I choose.
forcing your religious views and religious texts on others
individuals owning assault weapons for “sport” or “protection”
cruelty to animals
violent games and movies
materialism, over-consumption
caring what others think of you
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